SG PAX Prime 2011: Orcs Must Die
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I don’t play tower defense games. It’s not that I dislike them; I simply have never played them. So PAX was my first experience with the genre, and I must say, if all tower defense games are like Orcs Must Die, I’ll definitely be paying better attention to that branch of gaming. -
SG PAX Prime 2011: Jetpack Joyride
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I’d like to start off this preview by letting everyone know that I want an iPad and you should buy me one. The reason you should gift me this device is because I’m awesome, and that pretty much sums it up. Now that that’s out of the way: I got to play some Jetpack Joyride on the iPad at PAX and it was such a joy to ride… play. This review is already tainted. -
SG PAX Prime 2011: Lollipop Chainsaw
Here’s the rundown: You’re a cute blonde cheerleader named Juliet. San Romero High, the school you used to cheer at, is now infested with zombies. Your job is to head over to the school and figure out the cause of the infestation while destroying any zombies standing in your way. There’s blood, rainbows, limbs and lollipops.This game is awesome.
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SG PAX Prime 2011: Shoot Many Robots
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Shoot Many Robots is a game that puts you up against robots and your goal is to… wait for it… shoot as many of them as possible! It’s a title quite fitting of the overall purpose of its product. The demo I got to play at PAX had me and one of the developers going head-to-head with robots coming from all directions and our job was to take care of them by any means necessary. And we had the means. -
SG Review: Fruit Ninja Kinect
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Despite several people disliking motion control (ahem, Yoshifett), there are a few games out there that work with the implementation. I don’t want Kinect imbedded into every game out there (really Ghost Recon?), but when the right game gets motion control, it’s a blast. The right game this time around is Fruit Ninja Kinect, and yes I’m reviewing it because it is fun and I want to give Yoshifett reasons to hate me. -
SG E3 2011: You’ll Want to Play with these Aliens
Read MoreThis game can be summed up in one sentence: it has aliens and guns… and it looks great! Aliens: Colonial Marines looks like it’s going to turn out to be a great experience filled with constant saliva falling from the ceiling and scared soldiers looking in the wrong direction before its too late. (more…)
SG E3 2011: Anarchy Reigns Camera Ruins the Fun
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For this year’s E3, I was wondering if SEGA and Platinum Games could surprise me again like they did with Vanquish. I had not even heard of the game until I was at last year’s expo and the trailer caught my eye. When the game finally released, I loved the fast-action gameplay and it was the game that got me through Extra Life. Anarchy Reigns looks like it can deliver that same level of entertainment, but only if they hire a better camera man. -
SG E3 2011: SEGA Games Worth Downloading
I’m not one to pay much attention to arcade and PSN titles (well, unless they’re somehow related to Batman) since I’m usually focusing my attention on getting my friends to lend me their disc games. However, SEGA presented me with two titles that look like they’re worth the time and money to download. So keep reading to see what those games are and be sure to leave me your credit card information in the comments section so I can purchase them!
I’m kidding. Just e-mail me.
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