Esmeralda Portillo

Tag Archive: Dance Central 2

  • 24th, October
    Review: Dance Central 2

    It’s that time of the year where we’re saturated with great games for the next couple of months, and we couldn’t be happier (although the same can’t be said for our wallets). As we’re still gliding around Arkham City, this Tuesday we’ll also be called to the front lines. I on the other hand received…

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  • 14th, June
    SG E3 2011: Kinect Previews

    It seems like the word “Kinect,” or in general “motion control,” has become a dirty word amongst the “hardcore” gaming community. I personally do not want motion control shoehorned into every game in the future, although that’s something Microsoft has stated may happen with all its first-party titles. However, I also won’t deny that there…

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